About The Good Boy Project

My name is Kyleigh. I am a senior Political Science student at the University of Tulsa and I have been the dog mom to Bowie for almost seven years. Having Bowie has changed my life for the better and he has been the most loving dog I could ever ask for.

The Good Boy Project is an independent project that is dedicated to raising awareness about the negative effects of breed-specific legislation on our communities and spreading support for methods that increase responsibility in all dog owners.

The Good Boy Project is dedicated to all dogs who have been to presumed to be bad based solely on their breed, and also to all dogs who have been victims of irresponsible dog ownership.

Our mission involves:

  • Debunking myths concerning "pit bulls" and other breeds that are associated with aggression.
  • Spreading awareness of mislabeling of dog breeds in shelters and its contribution to euthanasian rates of specific breeds.
  • Encouraging all pet owners to spay and neuter their pets.
  • Being aware of the mental and physical needs that come with your specific type of dog.
  • Adopting responsible dog owning habits so that our community is a safe space for all.

Through The Good Boy Project I hope to create a safe space for all dog owners in our community and to encourage community collaboration when implementing pet-related policies.